I'm a retired college English, women's studies, and film studies teacher. My first article appeared in Mother Jones magazine in 1977. My first book, Lesbian Nuns: Breaking Silence (with Rosemary Keefe Curb, 1985), was published in 7 languages and 11 countries. An updated edition was released in 2013. An update of my second book, On My Honor: Lesbian Reflect on Their Scouting Experiences (1997), was published in 2021. My third book, written with my wife Becky Bohan, Living Consciously, Dying Gracefully: A Journey with Cancer and Beyond, is the inspirational story of our sister-in-law, a nursing instructor diagnosed with incurable cancer. After Dianes unusual, beautiful death experiences, Becky and I co-founded the Minnesota Threshold Network, a non-profit that educates people about conscious dying, family-directed after-death care, and green burials. Becky and I divide our time between Minnesota and Florida, where we continue to write and edit books. We also made a documentary film about the Carefree Concert Band. We read a lot of Sapphic fiction and support other writers and filmmakers whose work we love.