Nancy Redd


Called “the perfect combination of style and substance” by ESSENCE magazine, Nancy Redd is a seasoned and award-winning on-air host and a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Her newest picture book, THE REAL SANTA, has received starred reviews from both Kirkus and Publishers Weekly. Currently the host of Mompreneurs for iOne Digital / Madame Noire, as an on-air host, Nancy has made international headlines and anchored conversations with hundreds of thought leaders and celebrities—including Queen Latifah, Steve Harvey, Oscar the Grouch, Levar Burton, and many, many more. The author of multiple award-winning books, Nancy’s latest self-help book, PREGNANCY, OMG!, is the first-ever photographic guide to pregnancy and was called “the ultimate how-to for anyone who’s got a bun in the oven” by OK! magazine. Her first book, BODY DRAMA, was heralded as “a book of liberation” by Eve Ensler. Her debut picture book, BEDTIME BONNET, is about Black nighttime hair rituals and was chosen by the American Library Association Black Caucus as a "Best of the Best" children’s book for 2020 and called “the best children’s book of 2020” by The Grio. More on Nancy can be found at Follow her on Instagram @nancyredd



