Invierte en ti: Cómo organizar tu economía en 11 pasos para vivir mejor (No Ficción) (Spanish Edition)
Natalia de Santiago is a spanish writer, financial literacy expert and fintech entrepreneur on a quest to make financial education more accessible, more efficient, more relevant, more inclusive, and—why not—more fun. An engineer by trade, she has always worked in finance and is specialized in the economic impact of climate change. Other than that, she lives hidden in the Alps with her husband and her five daughters —you read right: five, girls, all of them—, she spends way too much time on Instagram boring people with the importance of knowing their numbers, and has written the books Invest in Yourself, Invest with Little and the children saga M.O.N.E.Y. Academy to shed a bit of ligth on the daunting world of finance and economics.