Natasha Russell


Natasha has always observed the world around her as it was, during her up bringing, in Little Rock, Arkansas. Many times she found herself inspired by sight and sound, as well as many other things, that brought a collection of words together on a page. Creative expression through sewing, placement of items, and colors, were submerged by a mother's responsibilities. Having survived Triple Negative Aggressive Breast Cancer Natasha came to terms with many things, that one may encounter, when faced with a life threatening illness. Now taking life one day at a time or even one minute at a time, (if need be) has opened another door into answers to the question of "What's next?" Since the question can never be answered Natasha has decided to enter into the opportunities that life brings as they come. Natasha wishes to share her thoughts and ideas with you, as she delivers her truths. By the way, I am Natasha Russell.


