Nathaniel Foster


Who is Nathaniel Foster? Born in the Blackfeet Indian Reservation near Cut Bank in Montana, Nathaniel always had explorer blood in his veins: at the age of 10 he decided to take a solo travel for two days in the Montana winter, justifying himself with “I’ll be an explorer one day!”. It was only during a solo hike in his first years that he understood the importance of an adequate knowledge of the herbal remedies: Confusing a Hemlock plant with what he thought was a Wild Carrot, almost cost his life! A good amount of luck and his evergreen resilience made him understand that a good knowledge in the matter of herbology was essential for a survivalist like him. From that day Nathaniel became obsessed about the Herbal Remedies, learning all he could about the matter, gaining knowledge starting from the people of Blackfoot Tribe near his home in Montana. Today Nathaniel is an absolute Master in creating remedies for all the types of diseases. He also hosts seminars and practical lessons for the few lucky that can find him in person! Give a look at his works! Maybe after the next flu, if you can find him, hiking somewhere in the Wind River Range of Wyoming, you will thank him personally!


