Neenyah Ostrom


Neenyah Ostrom's reporting on the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic from 1988-1997 is getting increased attention thanks to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He discusses her work extensively in his best seller, THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI. Ostrom’s groundbreaking reporting on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and AIDS appeared in the NEW YORK NATIVE from 1988 to 1997. Ostrom is the author of three books about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic: WHAT REALLY KILLED GILDA RADNER? FRONTLINE REPORTS ON THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME EPIDEMIC (1991; TNM Inc., New York, NY), 50 THINGS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME EPIDEMIC AND ITS LINK TO AIDS (1992; TNM Inc. and St. Martin’s Press, New York, NY; published in Japanese by Shindan-to-Chiryo, 1993; and in French by Les Editions Logiques, 1994), and AMERICA’S BIGGEST COVER-UP: 50 MORE THINGS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME EPIDEMIC AND ITS LINK TO AIDS (1993; TNM Inc., New York, NY). In 1995, Ostrom and NEW YORK NATIVE were recognized as having reported one of the top 25 most-censored stories in the U.S. press by 1995’s CENSORED: THE NEWS THAT DIDN’T MAKE THE NEWS AND WHY (THE 1995 PROJECT CENSORED YEARBOOK by Sonoma State University Professor Carl Jensen, introduction by Michael Crichton; published by Four Walls Eight Windows, New York, NY, 1995). Ostrom is ghostwriter/editor of seven popular science books. Additionally, she was an editor of TOTAL BREAST HEALTH: THE POWER FOOD SOLUTION FOR HEALTH AND WELLNESS by Robin Keuneke, which was chosen as PUBLISHERS WEEKLY “Best Book of 1998” in the category of Breast Health (Kensington Publishing Corp., April 1998).


