Neil Parsons


Neil Parsons is a historian specialising in Africa, biography, and cinema and entertainment. His most recent books are A HISTORY OF SOUTHERN AFRICA with Alois Mlambo (Macmillan International Higher Education & Red Globe Press, 2019) and BLACK AND WHITE BIOSCOPE: MAKING MOVIES IN AFRICA 1899 to 1925 (Intellect, University of California Press, and Protea, 2018). CLICKO THE WILD DANCING BUSHMAN (Jacana & University of Chicago Press, 2008) tells the extraordinary tale of an African circus performer in North America, where he died in 1940. Other biographical works include KING KHAMA, EMPEROR JOE, AND THE GREAT WHITE QUEEN: VICTORIAN BRITAIN THROUGH AFRICAN EYES (University of Chicago Press, 1998) and SERETSE KHAMA 1921-1980 (Macmillan, 1995). Earlier publications include A NEW HISTORY OF SOUTHERN AFRICA (Macmillan 1982), as well as THE ROOTS OF RURAL POVERTY IN CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN AFRICA (Heinemann & University of California Press, 1977, republished by James Currey). [Photo of author by courtesy of Aldridge Press, London]

