Nichole Carter is a dedicated educator, a mother to an amazing teenager, and a rowdy dog named Stewart. She began her career as a middle school language arts teacher, where she integrated the flipped classroom model in a 1:1 iPad environment. Nichole is currently a K-12 Literacy and Digital Curriculum TOSA for the Beaverton School District, where she works as a part of the Future Ready team to create digital content in language arts, SEL, technology integration, and social sciences. Nichole is a Google Certified Educator, an Apple Learning Coach, and an International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) author of two books on Sketchnoting in the Classroom and Creative Journaling for Teachers. You can also find other published works online for ISTE and Edutopia. In her work as an Educator, Nichole strives to create a personalized and engaging classroom experience for both teachers and students. Nichole has found the process of creating digital content to be so fulfilling that she is now creating self-published pieces that are similar to her high-content nonfiction books.