Nick Simoneschi


After accomplishing a Master's degree in Law at a prestigious University in Switzerland and pursuing a brilliant career as a legal, and financial strategist advisor, I decided in 2023 to start a new career as a book writer. I like to be concrete and specific. Positivity, courage and clarity are important values and I try my best to communicate these values to my readers. My preferred argument are: politics, media and elite behaviour with sociological and economical perspective. Life is too short to waste time with the wrong people and to live without Smart Goals. Let's try to be smarter! I like to have feedback from my writers to improve my arguments. In August 2024 I have published my first incredible political and financial thriller spy story with unique characters: Good morning Mr Tylor - The world is on fire. My contact. Twitter: @Nicksimoneschi. I have also YOU TUBE and PINTEREST channel with my name. I invite reader to reviews my books. FOLLOW ME



