Nick Stammers


Nick Stammers is an Entrepreneur, Leader, and Adventurer in all areas of his life. Nick co-founded Mobica, a global software services company based in the UK with offices across Europe and the USA. His past achievements include a number of leadership roles in technology companies including co-founder and Managing Director of Teleca UK, and CEO of Teleca AB (Stockholmsbörsen) from its creation to building it into an international consulting company of 2800 staff in 15 countries. Nick is also Founder and Trustee for JustHelping, a non-profit organization that helps hospices and local charities with an annual Christmas tree collection. All proceeds from book sales will go to the JustHelping charity. Nick lives in Saint Brélade Jersey with his wife, Katie. He enjoys traveling the world, conquering extreme adventures, and helping new Entrepreneurs start up and succeed. For more info go to:

