Hello, I am Nikki Long. I am 27 years old. I am a wife and mother of 4 beautiful children, all under the age of 8. I am a stay at home mother and Indie Author. I developed my love for reading to my children when my first child was just three months old. I always knew I wanted to be an indie author. I write toddler and children’s books. It is a real passion of mine! My first release, ”Goodnight Curious One,” is being sold all over the world. It is available at Amazon, Walmart, Barnes and Noble, and 100s of other bookstores. My second release, ” Mr. Ferocious, What's Your Prognosis.” is available at all the same places. As well as "Clumsy Bubsy" You can follow my journey @authornikkilong on Facebook. I plan to continue to write and make my family proud! Email- Nikkijlong@icloud.com