Welcome young explorers and dreamers to a world where every page holds a new adventure! OT Long, an entrepreneur and a former member of the US Navy, is the heart and soul behind this children’s book series. His many adventures instilled a love for exploration and a deep appreciation for the history, culture, and cuisine he experienced while traveling the globe. OT Long’s mission is to introduce children to the wonders of the world through stories that blend real-life destinations with thrilling adventures. He believes the power of storytelling can spark curiosity, foster imagination, and encourage young minds to explore the beauty of our planet. Through his books, he aims to teach and prepare children for their own journey of self-discovery and hopes they will want to visit the incredible places that have inspired his stories. After an honorable discharge, OT's wanderlust led him to Thailand, where he dedicated himself to volunteering in schools affected by the 2004 tsunami. The resilience and warmth of the Thai community rekindled his belief in the goodness of people and fueled his desire to share these amazing cultural experiences with young readers. (you might want to cut this and add it to that specific book). A devoted father, OT understands the bonds that reading can create between parents and their children. The adventures he shares are more than just tales, they are bridges to meaningful conversations, shared dreams, and a lifelong love for exploration. His experiences as a single father have deeply influenced his writing as he infuses his stories with warmth, love, and a sense of wonder. Explore OT Long’s global collection, as each story offers the promise of a new adventure, a new lesson, and a new world waiting to be discovered.