Oliver McNeil has been creating interactive adventure games for the last 35 years. In 2021 he started adapting his games into tabletop family RPG's hybrids. Including narrated audio soundscapes, they also have a board and game-book quailty. The Storymaster's Tales: Weirding Woods The Storymaster's Tales: Deeper into the Woods The Storymaster's Tales: Dracodeep Dungeon The Storymaster's Tales: Deeper into the Dungeon The Storymaster's Tales: Towers The Storymaster's Tales: Threatlore Town The Storymaster's Tales: Pirates and the Mysterious Islands Tome of Terror: Transylvania Tome of Terror: London Tome of Terror: Lost City and the horror game Cthulhu Parlour: Hotel Lovecraft Games designer, soundscape producer and member of the Magic Circle. He has combined all his passions into unique immersive games, designed to be easy to play, but to take the players into a wonderful world of fantasy and horror. He runs an immersive theatre both live and online, based on his games. In 2021 he was delighted to have his friend Tom Baker (Doctor Who) voice the online version of The Storymaster's Tales Quest. www.storymasterstales.com