P.C. Anders


I am a anti-puritanical novelist, humorist, and satirist (under another name), whose love affair with massages began in New York and has continued in visits to at least fifteen countries including Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Cambodia, India, the U.K., and the Czech Republic--even though massage was not the purpose of my trips, cheap sensual massages were an attraction that made me stay longer, and be happier. I believe the best massage therapists of the world, whether formally trained or not, deserve the Nobel Prize for Peace. My books use plenty of humor because life is funny, and the human yearning for touch and sex is funny as well as true and poignant. Presently, I live on a tiny budget, so choose to be in countries where good massages are freely available, and for less than thrice the price of a KFC fried chicken meal. I hope to share the joys of massage with you, and thank you for your support in helping me continue to write.


