Green Witchcraft: A Practical Guide to Discovering the Magic of Plants, Herbs, Crystals, and Beyond (Practicing Green Witchcraft)
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Paige Vanderbeck is the author of Green Witchcraft (2020) and Witchcraft for Emotional Healing (2021). She found witchcraft in the pages of books during the ‘Wiccan Wave’ of the 1990s and, despite being a total Capricorn, has been devoted to the mystical, magical, and supernatural ever since. Since 2015 she has hosted The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast, a show that aims to make all people feel welcome to, and empowered by, witchcraft – just as they are. Paige currently watches the full moon from her apartment window in downtown Windsor, Ontario with two reformed alley cats that make her laugh every day. Check her out at