Paul Douglas


Paul Douglas is a Penn State meteorologist and AMS Fellow with 45 years of television and radio experience. A serial entrepreneur, Douglas has launched 7 businesses, including EarthWatch Communications, Digital Cyclone and Praedictix, which provides content, consulting and briefings for media and corporate interests. Developers manage unique streams of weather data and imagery for corporate optimization, worldwide, via AerisWeather, which was sold to Vaisala in early 2022. With a daily print and online weather column at Star Tribune, Paul joins co-host Jordana Green on the air every weekday afternoon on WCCO Radio in the Twin Cities. A contributor to the Climate Science Rapid Response Team, Douglas has authored 4 books, including a focus on climate, faith and science in 2017 with “Caring for Creation, the Evangelical’s Guide to Climate Change and a Healthy Environment”. Paul’s latest illustrated book is “A Kid’s Guide to Saving the Planet”. A frequent contributor to MSNBC on the link between climate and weather, Douglas was featured in NOVA’s “Decoding the Weather Machine”. With a home in the western suburbs of the Twin Cities and a cabin on Pelican Lake, Minnesota, Paul has been married for 37 years, with two sons and a 2-year-old grandson, Jordan.


