Paul J. Mladjenovic


Paul Mladjenovic is a national speaker, consultant, educator and the author of... "Stock Investing For Dummies," (6th edition) "Investing in Gold and Silver For Dummies" (1st edition) "Affiliate Marketing For Dummies" with co-author Ted Sudol. :Factor Investing For Dummies" with co-author James Maendel "High-Level Investing For Dummies". You can profit whether the market soars or crashes! This book gives you powerful strategies, tactics and resources used by the pros! You can use them to profit...even if the economy tanks and the market crashes! "Micro-Entrepreneurship For Dummies" (1st edition) "Precious Metals Investing For Dummies" (1st edition) In 1995, he published the 1st edition of "Zero-Cost Marketing" and the video course is currently available at CFP practitioner: Paul Mladjenovic was a CFP for 36 years (1985-March 2021) In 2011, the book "The Job Hunter's Encyclopedia" became available as a Kindle ebook at Amazon. Find out more about his books & seminar programs at



