Paul Wondracek


As the president of Paul Wondracek provides key note speaking and Momentum Coaching in order to provide individuals, businesses, and leaders everywhere with momentum shifting strategies and training so that their lives, businesses, and relationships can get unstuck and forward focused! Paul's 20+ years of experience in leadership, mental and behavioral health counseling, and ministry have equipped him to speak powerfully into the lives of people who are experiencing life's struggles and stagnation in their forward progress. Paul has the unique ability to inspire and impart wisdom and strategy into someone's present season that will shift their momentum and get their life moving in the right direction again by assisting them in navigating through transitional seasons and getting them forward focused toward their dreams and goals. With a Masters Degree and many great mentors and successes in his own life Paul inspires others to take responsibility for their own success by being transparent about their own failures and shortcomings. Paul uses the experiences of his own struggles and challenges to help others get forward focused and shift their momentum out of stagnation and into their future. Paul endeavors to be a "Today Voice" helping others to create a "Tomorrow Mindset" and teach leaders everywhere to create the future they want instead of tolerate the future they get. Paul provides the highest level of service, mentorship, and coaching in order to help people achieve their dreams and develop a "No Retreat" mentality to shift their momentum in the right direction.


