Paula Podhorzer


Paula Podhorzer is a mom, grandma and retired preschool teacher. She's combined her passions of travel and photography to write "The Adventure Twins Hike the Valley of Fire", the story of sister and brother twins traveling and helping one another. She and her husband Glen hiked in Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada three times, once in 110 degree weather! She used her photos as the background for this book. She has already written Book 2 in the Adventure Twins series and plans on several more books, using her photos as the backgrounds for each adventure. When Paula is not traveling and taking thousands of photos, she keeps busy. She and Glen babysit their grandchildren weekly and usher several times a month at their local theater. Her favorite activity is reading to her grandchildren as they snuggle together on the couch! She resides in New Jersey near both her sons and their families.

