Awards and Finalists: 2024 Will Rogers Silver Medallion Award - "Silver Prairies" 2024 Will Rogers Bronze Medallion Award - "Cobalt Skies" 2024 Selah Award - "Freedom's Price" 2nd place 2023 Selah Award - "Abigail's Peace" was a finalist 2022 Selah Award - "Sarah's Choice" 1st place 2022 Selah Award - "Maggie's Strength" 2nd place 2021 Faith, Hope, & Love Readers Choice Award - "Worth Fighting For" was a finalist 2019 Faith, Hope, & Love Readers Choice Award - "In Sheep's Clothing" 1st place 2019 ACFW Editor of the Year Award - finalist 2019 ACFW Carol Awards - "In Sheep's Clothing" was a finalist 2019 ACFW Carol Awards - "Her Redcoat" was a finalist Pegg Thomas lives in Michigan's beautiful Upper Peninsula with Michael, her husband of *mumble* years. Besides writing, she enjoys a variety of crafts including spinning sheep’s wool into yarn and knitting her signature wool shawls. Together, she and Michael enjoy camping, fishing, gardening, boat-nerding (you have to be a Great Lakes person to know about that), and thoroughbred horse racing. A life-long history geek, it’s no surprise that historical fiction is her genre. Colonial America and the Civil War era are favorite time periods to both read and write. She often takes inspiration from her own family tree, with 3 of her grandparents having lineage going back in America to the 1600s. She is the direct descendant of 4 Mayflower passengers. Her favorite type of book centers on a great fiction story surrounded by factual historical events.