Penelope Clare


Penelope Clare is an author of captivating historical fiction that transports readers to bygone eras, blending meticulous historical accuracy with engaging narratives. Her stories highlight themes of female empowerment and social justice, all while bringing history to life in a way that’s both thought-provoking and entertaining. For Penelope, writing historical fiction allows her to combine her love for storytelling, history, and the exploration of complex, resilient characters navigating the challenges of their time. Through vivid descriptions and immersive plots, she invites readers to experience the past in a way that feels fresh and relatable. Join her on a journey through time, where compelling characters and rich historical settings come together in unforgettable stories. And…. Penelope Clare is not an authority on writing, or an expert in the use of the comma but—she does love a good em dash. She recently published her debut novel after a marathon effort to finish from go to whoa in only seven months. Why? To see if she could. And as a time and motion study for a career switch into a field she has long dreamed about. Vague ideas of sitting with a cool drink in hand while she turned her raconteur skills into an author's voice soon were replaced with the reality of teaching herself everything from writing jargon to social media. Her advice to the aspiring or stuck debut author—I Did It, You Can Too! And to share this knowledge with other new authors she has written a set of guides designed to help you achieve what she has— become a published author, making sales in only seven months.


