Peter V. Radatti


Pete has done many things in his life and he is not done living! He worked on the project to connect the first supercomputer to the ARPANET which later became the Internet. He also worked in the space program where he learned he had a talent for inventing things and writing. He worked on the project to connect NOAA data online which improved weather forecasting and worked on the Strategic Defense Initiative Systems Integration Data Center (Star Wars) but never got to meet Darth Vader. In addition to writing about Radionics he writes about computer security, dietary issues and other topics of interest to him. Pete started the companies CyberSoft Operating Corporation and Radatti Foods, LLC. He lives in the greater Philadelphia Pennsylvania area in an old mill town called Conshohocken which has been invaded by people moving out of the city. The new folks moved out of the city but brought it with them. The mill town has been converted into an upscale suburb that looks more like center city than the mill town it was growing up. They keep demolishing single family homes made of stone and building multiple row homes (err, sorry Town Homes) made of bubble gum and cardboard on the lot where the single was. The cost of rental here is now obscene. The upside of this is no more black snow in mid-summer, the river now smells and looks like water, has something that appear to be fish and there are a lot of restaurants. The bad parts are traffic, traffic, traffic, ballooning costs of everything and now high taxes. I actually do most of my shopping in the next town over where everything costs about 25% less, you just wouldn't want to live there. Pete does not have a blog for the simple reason that there is often little difference between a blog and a bog. He does login to Facebook and you are welcome to friend him there. Updates, corrections, files and email subscription for all of Pete's books can be found at



