Peter Smith has been a consciousness explorer for almost 30 years. He left a promising career as a banking executive to chase his dreams and follow the call of his soul. He started originally by exploring some of his own past lives, before being trained as a Hypnotherapist and taking clients on journeys, transcending time and space. Over time he founded two Hypnotherapy Schools, the modality of Hypnoenergetics and became president of the Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives from 2009 to 2019. His journey took him further, to create the Institute for Quantum Consciousness and build a network of facilitators all around the world who take clients on journeys to show them their magnificence, transcend old therapeutic systems and blend science and spirituality. Pete is determined to blaze new trails for others to follow and this particular book embraces many of the ideas and concepts that he has researched, taught and offered to his clients over his metaphysical career. Previous published works include Hypnoenergetics – The Four Dimensions (Barker-Deane 2011) and Quantum Consciousness – Journey through other realms (Llewellyn Publishing 2018). Pete has written over a dozen forewords for non-fiction books in the consciousness genre and is a sought after speaker in his chosen field. He has had short stories and poems published and written articles for Nexus Magazine and the Journal of Humanistic Psychology. The Transcendence of Celeste Kelly (AIA Publishing 2023) is his first novel.