Peter Thalheim


Peter Thalheim is bold enough to imagine post-racial America with the legislation in "Check 'American' and the 2020 Census: Why 'American" should be the first category for your race, creed, color and ethnicity." His coming 2022 book on "100 Questions after the Killing of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor," squarely addresses structural racism/statism with policy recommendations. 2022 will also see "The School-to-Prison Pipeline: How the Public School Monopoly and the Teachers Unions deny School Choice to High Needs Black, Hispanic, White, Asian and other Students," addressing educational inequality. Not limited to domestic issues, Thalheim has also published "China, Demise of a Civilization: the Eleven Principles of History and Economics Against the Chinese Marxist Model," to examine the inherent flaws of Supreme Leader Xi Xiinping's dictatorship of the proletariat over 1.4 billion Chinese citizens. 2022 will also see the publication of his "Climate Change and Environmental Equity: Why we should do whatever we can for the environment provided it doesn't raise the cost of living for poor people," book, where concepts such as "Tesla carbon-pigs" are discussed, to name a few. Mr. Thalheim is an immigrant author, veteran, attorney, father, home builder and former politician who ran for governor of Connecticut in 2017-18.

