The 2024 edition of The Human Being Diet (HBD) brings you the latest scientific research into chronic inflammation, hormone imbalance, metabolic disorders, overweight and more. HBD teaches you how to reverse these problems by using the healing power of nutrient rich whole foods, (as in the Mediterranean Diet), combined with intermittent fasting, in an easy to follow three-month program that segues into a health-giving new way of eating for life – a new lifestyle. There are no gimmicks or meal replacements – everything you need can be found in your local supermarket. The program is simple, comprising ten rules and four phases, but the results are often nothing short of life changing. Petronella, who trained at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition and at the Institute for Functional Medicine, was in private practice in London's Chelsea for nearly twenty years where she built a glittering reputation for helping thousands of clients resolve long-standing digestive, skin and weight issues. “The people who've been to see me have taught me as much as I have taught them, not only about what works but also, and most importantly, about what's doable.” She relocated to Florida where she wrote the second edition of her first book, which is a distillation of her experience and knowledge. HBD makes vibrantly good health available to everyone and anyone who wants to get the most out of life. In layman’s terms and with a light touch, Petronella decodes the biological processes which lead to inflammation, lack of energy and overweight. She outlines and details a three-month program of feasting and fasting your way to feeling, looking and being your best, whether you want to lose weight or not, whatever your age and whatever your gender, whether you’re plant-based or omnivorous. HBD is a painless path to boundless energy, perfect weight, radiant skin, refreshing sleep, healthy digestion and a feeling that anything and everything is possible. This book explains and clarifies the underlying reasons why changing when we eat, what we eat, and how much we eat, resets our rhythm and restores our joy in life.