Phil Jaekl is a science writer with an extensive research background in cognitive science. Aside from his academic publications he has written on topics related to neuroscience for popular venues such as The Atlantic, The Guardian and Wired magazine. He’s also written for New York Magazine and has contributed feature-length essays to Aeon. What motivates him is the desire to bridge fascinating yet complex scientific breakthroughs – often only accessible in subscription journals – with explanations and experiences that make these discoveries relevant and meaningful to as many as possible – a communicator of science. Phil grew up in small-town southern Ontario, Canada, where he went on to study psychology in Toronto. He completed graduate studies at York University and went on do postdoctoral research in Barcelona, Spain and in Rochester, New York, concerning how the brain combines information from different senses. His postdoctoral work on how the brain ‘hears’ distance has been covered in Scientific American. He and his wife moved to Tromsø, Norway in 2018. There, at about 70 degrees latitude in the Arctic, they enjoy all manner of outdoor activities ranging from mountain hiking, skiing and snowboarding to photography and fishing. Equally enjoyable to Phil is the sensation of warmth, whether it comes from the sun, a hot shower, a fire or even a tasty meal.