Philip Kontor Adu PhD


I'm the Founder of Center for Research Methods Consulting, LLC. As a Methodology Expert at this center, I provide research methodology services/consultations to researchers, practitioners, faculty, and students. I was a Methodology Expert at the Chicago School of Professional Psychology (TCSPP) for 10 years. I completed my Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Education at West Virginia University. I’m specialized in program planning and evaluation, curriculum development, and technology integration. I was involved in diverse program planning and evaluation projects such as a National Science Foundation funded project, “Engineers of Tomorrow”, and “Quality Rating and Improvement for West Virginia Child Care”, which was funded by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. I have made several presentations at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual conference. I also served as a reviewer of the Journal of Mixed Methods Research. I have extensive knowledge and skills in conducting research (especially qualitative research), and designing and teaching research method courses. I developed and taught Statistics, Qualitative Research, Action Research, and Program Evaluation courses in the International Psychology program, and Educational Psychology and Technology program at TCSPP. My unique way of demystifying and simplifying qualitative data analysis processes to my audience during webinars (posted in YouTube) have been a great help to many. In addition, I have expertise in using NVivo (a qualitative analysis software) to conduct qualitative analysis. An example of this can be found in my popular NVivo blog post, “Perfecting the Art of Qualitative Coding”.


