Philip Warren is a Buffalo, NY, native of rich Polish and eastern European heritage, but fortunate to have lived and worked in many states east and west of the Mississippi before settling with family in western Pennsylvania. Having been a restaurant worker, janitor, automobile assembly lineman, federal investigator, manager, and national security executive, his imagination became enriched by life at different points along the socioeconomic spectrum as I worked to perfect the magic craft of storytelling. "Winter's Dead," the first of the Fletcher Strand Mysteries, came out in May 2022, to great reviews. Strand's engagements with murderers in western Pennsylvania prompted "Murder Down Deep" to grace Amazon's shelves in May 2023, and a third Strand novel, "The Letters," is in the works. In the meantime, readers should enjoy and review Strand's latest and deadly exploits in "Murder Down Deep," another page-turner. Earlier, "Irina" represented several years of research into life in the Middle Ages, and told the story of a young woman not about to be mastered in a world ruled by men and the church. Her story is one for the ages, as it depicts pluck, persistence, and power. Writing as John P. Warren, the political thrillers, "Turnover" and "TurnAround," were published in 2014 and 2015. These are timeless stories about political greed and the lengths to which some might go to achieve high office. When not tied to his laptop, Phil Warren enjoys traveling with his wife, visiting their children and grandchildren, or listening to the birds and buggy wheels in western Pennsylvania's Amish country where they've chosen to live.