R. D. Hinshelwood


What Happens in Groups (1987) A Dictionary of Kleinian Thought (1991) Clinical Klein (1994) Therapy or Coercion (1997) Observing Organisations (2000) Suffering Insanity (2004) Research on the Couch (2013) Bion's Sources (2013) Countertransference and Alive Moments (2017) ** For more books and my papers go to my webpage, www.rdhinshelwood.net ______________ Covid has kept me at home for two years, and my itchy fingers have played with the keyboard, so there are more books in the pipeline: ** W.R. Bion as Clinician: Navigating between concept and practice (due this year in the New Library of Psyychoanalysis -- Routledge) ** Learning from Action -- edited by R.D. Hinshelwood and Luca Mingarelli (Published this Summer, 2022, by Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester) ** The mystery of affects: Seeking a theory of what we feel (Due 2023 by Phoenix Publishing House, Bicester)



