Ralph Moore is Founding Pastor of Hope Chapel Kaneohe Bay in Hawaii and of Hope Chapel in Hermosa Beach, California. In 2017 he retired from his last church plant, Hope Chapel Honolulu. He currently works for Exponential.org as Church Planting Catalyst. Ralph and his wife, Ruby, besides being church planters, are happy parents and grandparents. A former surfer, living in San Diego, he now spends his free time walking, reading, painting, training leaders and hanging out at the pool. As a writer, his personal bout with panic/anxiety opened new vistas. He currently writes books that teach people how to conquer everyday problems along with books on disciplemaking and church multiplication. Like his preaching, his written words deliver solid truth in a humorous and unassuming manner. Beginning with just 12 people, the Hope Chapel 'movement' has mushroomed to more than two thousand churches worldwide. Ralph travels extensively teaching pastors to multiply churches. You can catch his blog and/or contact him at www.ralphmoore.net.