Ray Simpson


Ray Simpson (1940 - ) is a Celtic new monastic for tomorrow's world, a lecturer, consultant, liturgist and author of some 40 books. He is the founding guardian of the international Community of Aidan and Hilda and the pioneer of its e-studies programmes (www.aidanandhilda.org.uk). He is an Anglican priest who planted a fresh expression of church, sponsored by 6 branches of the Christian church at Bowthorpe Norwich. He owns a house on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, near to the Community's retreat house, The Open Gate and is the founder of its Celtic Christian Studies Library. Ray travels extensively leading retreats around the world. His latest project is to offer daily e-mails on The Way (www.waymarksoflife.com). He sends a daily prayer Tweet: Twitter@praycelticdaily and writes a weekly blog: www.raysimpson.org Facebook http://www.facebook.com/revd.ray.simpson



