Rebekah L. Purdy


I was born and raised in Michigan (just look for the giant mitten on the map--it'll likely throw a snowball at you). I spent most of my time in Michigan, but while in the army got to call KS, SC, MO, and CA home for awhile as well. As a kid my family moved around a lot. Try spending both your freshman and senior years at new schools (yeah, loads of fun). I could've changed my name to "new girl". I love writing for teens because those are the years I remember falling in love with most of my favorite books. Some of the authors I couldn't put down were L.J. Smith, Christopher Pike, R.L. Stine, Richie Tankersley Cusick, Joan Lowery Nixon, Lois Duncan, among several others. My late husband and I have a large family. There are six kids total! So we have LOTS of fun on vacations (although hours on the road, cooped up in the Expedition is kind of stressful--although we pass the time with MAD LIBS and hoping no one gets carsick). Some fun facts about me: My first real crush was on Luke Skywalker (LOL--hey, I was like 8 years old and it came out before I was born). I'm obsessed with several TV shows/Movies: The Vampire Diaries, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Sean of the Dead, The Sing Off, Ghost Hunters, Destination Truth, True Blood, Being Human, Fact or Fake, Haven and all the cake designing ones! Oh and all the spoof movies! I still own all the books I bought as a kid/teen. I have a hankering for chocolate (like all the time, seriously. If my arm was made of it I'd chew it off). In my spare time I like to write (obviously), read, sing, hang out with my kids, play with my animals, camp, play soccer, check my email (hehehe), watch football (go LIONS). I also love hanging out with my sister and and traveling. Make sure to visit my blog!



