Renée Stephens


Renée Stephens, PhD is the author of "Full-Filled: The 6-Week Weight Loss Plan for Changing Your Relationship with Food--and Your Life--from the Inside Out" published by Simon and Schuster. She hosts iTunes top motivational weight loss podcast show: Inside Out Weight Loss, ( with over 3,000,000 downloads to date. She is a featured expert in the film "The Inner Weigh" and has consulted with Weight Watchers International as a behavioral weight loss expert. A former food addict, her mission is to eradicate the weight struggle from the planet, enabling others to share their soul's gifts. She holds an MBA from London Business School, and PhD in Psychology, and she is a certified Hypnotherapist and Master Practitioner of NLP as well as a certified Life Coach. You can learn more about Renée at


