Renée Blodgett


Renee Blodgett is the founder of Blue Soul Media, which serves as a bridge between business and consciousness. She helps people and founders align their soul’s calling with other parts of their business and lives. Renee also co-founded Blue Soul Earth, where she and her partner teach about spirituality, wellness and consciousness. Together, they ignite human potential and help others transform from within by tapping into their own innate wisdom. They lead retreats, workshops and membership programs that educate, inspire and liberate others by combining science and spirituality. Their teachings focus on universal consciousness, heart-centered living, masculine and feminine balance, non-duality, and our human existence. Additionally, Renee produces the Blue Soul CHATS podcast and the Blue Soul Summit video series, which highlights world-class leaders in spirituality, science, the humanities, the arts, cosmology, the environment and more. Known globally as a master of storytelling, she has helped nearly a hundred brands (from Fortune 500 companies to start-ups), authors, musicians and entrepreneurs succeed with programs that elevate them above the noise. As a spokesperson for her clients, she has appeared on CNN, Good Morning America, NPR, BBC, CBS News, the Wall Street Journal and countless others. As an avid photographer, Renee has published five photo books, and her work is diverse, ranging from renowned entrepreneurs, celebrities and musicians to global street life, travel and nature. As an early pioneer of blogging, her personal blog won several awards, and she had a column on the Huffington Post for many years. She is the founder and managing editor of We Blog the World, an online travel magazine and platform with a global reach of over half a million. She has also served as a Smitty Awards Judge for Travel & Leisure Magazine, was listed as a top social media influencer by Forbes, a top Bay Area digital leader by the United Nations, a top 10 social media mentor by Women Online Magazine, and one of the most powerful women in social media by CEO World Magazine. Renee also spearheaded content for the only TEDx event at the United Nations. Magdalene’s Journey is her first book in historical fiction and visionary literature.


