Rennet Premnath


Rennet Premnath is the President and Senior Pastor at Life is Christ Ministries, which focuses on kingdom expansion through the power of the Holy Spirit to revive nations. He is a worshiper at heart and a songwriter who has a mandate from God to train people to live by the Spirit. Rennet is on a mission to see one million lives transformed by 2028, in Jesus’ Name. Whether you are at your rock bottom or are pursuing more incredible things in God, this book is for you. Rennet Premnath has been in both those places and has experienced powerful divine visitations that set his life on FIRE. We are all praying for a great revival, but that should not stop anyone from experiencing a personal revival today. Examining church and revival history, we find God using revived men and women to bring about revivals. You could be that revived person God is looking for!

