Richard Cain


Dick has served in vocational ministry for 34 years in many varied roles and places in the Lord’s harvest field. He and his wife Scottie have lived in eleven different cities throughout the world. He has served as a pastor, missionary, and church planter. He did his undergraduate work at UNC-Chapel Hill. He has a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Reformed Theological Seminary. He and Scottie have four children: Elizabeth, Katherine, Rachel, and Austin. He has two sons-in-law, Josh and Taylor; one daughter-in-law, Franni. Six grandsons: Bridger, Campbell, Sibbes, Fisher, Holden, and Kuyper. Some of Dick’s hobbies include speaking Spanish, playing the guitar, and reading missionary biographies. He enjoys taking his family and friends waterskiing.

