Richard H. Tyson


Rich is the founder and chief executive of CEObuilder®, an education and coaching company dedicated to facilitating leaders' development over the last 35 years. He brings over five decades of professional experience to this task. He has coached and provided training for CEOs, presidents, general managers, and C-Suite executives in a wide array of industries during his career, including manufacturing companies, wholesale suppliers, retailers, software and technology companies, and service businesses of all kinds and sizes. He has served in key roles in Fortune 100 companies, as well as in start-ups and turnarounds. He has worked in both business-to-consumer and business-to-business contexts in positions ranging from finance and accounting to marketing, manufacturing, and strategy development and implementation. Rich writes a monthly column for the Salt Lake Business Journal, formerly the Utah Enterprise magazine. He speaks regularly to business leaders' forums and is featured on his CEObuilder® channel on YouTube. He has served as an adjunct professor at Westminister University and the University of Phoenix and has been a guest lecturer at the University of Utah and Brigham Young University. Father of six and grandfather of eighteen, Rich enjoys family time, especially in the great outdoor venues in the state of Utah, where he resides. He is an avid hiker and canyoneer. Rich holds a Master’s Degree in Business from the Harvard Business School. His greatest personal joy comes from facilitating the growth and development of leaders, irrespective of where they are in their careers. Find more at CEObuilder .com

