Richard R Burky


Richard holds a bachelor's degree in theology, two master’s degrees, and a PhD in Anthropology from the University of California, Riverside with a concentration in archaeology. His dissertation research explored radiocarbon dating fossil bone. Results of that research have been published as an article in the professional journal Radiocarbon, in other journals, and as a chapter in the book, Perspectives in Amino Acid and Protein Geochemistry, published by Oxford University Press. During that research he did the lab work to date one of the oldest human burials in North America, which was nearly 10,000 years old. He has excavated at Hazor in Israel. Before retiring, he taught for nearly 20 years at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. Publications: Unpublished PhD dissertation: Radiocarbon Dating Archaeologically Significant Bone Using the Unique Amino Acids Gamma-Carboxyglutamic Acid (Gla) and Alpha-Carboxyglycine (Aminomalonate) A 165 page unpublished manuscript The Bible, Prehistory, and Evolution …Toward a Better Understanding is available on line at On Amazon: A Valid Faith in God …Understanding the Bible in Light of Science and True Prehistory

