Rick Bisio (1964 - Current) was born in Kansas City to immigrant business owners. Rick quickly learned the importance of hard work, fair dealing and business ownership. After earning both a BSBA and MBA, Rick knew that entrepreneurship and franchising was in his future. In the 1990's Rick traveled around the globe franchising Popeye's Chicken and Biscuits, Church's Chicken, Seattle's Best Coffee and Cinnabon in over 30 countries. Since 2002, Rick has run a franchise consulting business assisting 1000's of individuals identify the best franchise. The Educated Franchisee, a bestselling book on Amazon, was first published in 2008 and is now in it's third edition. The Educated Franchisee and is supported by an entire suite of resources designed to empower the prospective franchise with the knowledge, data and strategies needed to make a confident decision regarding franchising.