As parents, the biggest riddle we face is always, “Am I doing this parenting thing right?” Well, Riddleland is here to answer that question for you, and the answer is a resounding, “We have no idea because we’re parents, too.” You see, we’re of the mindset that there is no such thing as perfect; and thus, there is no “right” way to parent your kids — especially when you’re doing your best and working for your family. Because we know that sometimes, doing the right thing for your family means working extra hours or having a side-hustle to provide for them. Sometimes, that means fixing “uh-ohs” while you stay home to raise them. Sometimes, that means putting your own needs on hold to take care of theirs. And sometimes, that means pausing to read a favorite book together and laugh-snorting so hard that you tinkle a little. Riddleland believes that families are the most important thing in this world, and everything we do is for them. That’s why we take extra care when creating innovative, fun, and age-appropriate concepts that help your kiddos think critically, enjoy reading, and simply be their wonderful selves. That’s why we go above and beyond to support families by having gobs of actually-useful resources for kids, parents, and educators. And — most importantly — that’s why we donate to support children and families in the U.S. and abroad, who don’t have much access to fun and educational books, and why we hire fellow, working-parents to help create our hilarious jokes, hand-drawn illustrations, mind-blowing trivia, and absurd would-you-rather questions that we double-dog dare you to read without laughing. Pack up the kids (okay, not literally) and take a mental vacay to Riddleland to laugh, learn, and live in the moment. If you have suggestions for us or want to work with us, shoot us an email at riddleland@riddlelandforkids.com Our family's favorite quote: "Creativity is an area in which younger people have a tremendous advantage since they have an endearing habit of always questioning past wisdom and authority."~ Bill Hewlett