Robert Azar has spent forty years and counting in the milieu of Asian culture. He has worked in Asian companies at the management level for over a decade and, over the last thirty years, has very successfully set up and managed American and European businesses in Asian markets in a variety of industries. He lived in the Far East for seven years and has logged over a million flight miles traveling to, from, and within Asia in service of clients. He is one of fewer than 10,000 consultants who have earned the Certified Management Consultant designation and has attended two Asia-related events by two Presidents of the United States. His business acumen, far-reaching network of contacts, deep understanding of the intricacies of Asian culture, as well as his fluency in reading, writing, and speaking the Japanese language have been key to the success his clients have enjoyed. Robert’s latest book, Negotiating in Asia: A Practical Guide to Succeeding in International Negotiations, provides an in-depth analysis of not only how negotiating differs between America and Asia, but also how it varies so greatly even among the major economies of Asia. In his previous title, Navigating Japan's Business Culture: A Practical Guide to Succeeding in the Japanese Market, Robert shared his knowledge of the cultural-based differences in business practices in Japan and the West that act as stumbling blocks to unwary and unprepared companies desiring to succeed in the Japanese market. In both books he has identified those differences and provided proven solutions to leverage these business practices differences in order to maximize success in Asian markets. While Robert is a dedicated international business and cultural expert and teacher, he also makes time for enjoyments in life: live jazz, traveling, writing, mentoring, painting Japanese calligraphy, and collecting Asian art and antique ceramics. The son of America's leading philosopher of the 20th century, Robert is a philosophy and history buff, as is demonstrated in his first book entitled Insightful Thoughts for the Journey Through Life, a collection of original life affirmations that combine Eastern thought and Western philosophy. Robert has been involved in local and international community service and volunteer work for most of his life--from coordinating volunteer medical teams from Japan, Korea and Taiwan in caring for Vietnamese boat people in Thai refugee camps through a non-profit organization in the 1980s to serving on boards for the World Trade Council, Institute of Management Consultants, American Cancer Society, North Carolina Japan Center, United Arts Council of Wake County, and the Japanese Center for Quality of Life Studies. Read more about Robert’s professional credentials and background at AsiaStrategicAdvisors.com. Read Robert's blog at http://www.robertcharlesazar.com/blog.