Robert Griffin


I read my first book in the first grade, something about a dog named "Tip." By the time that school year ended, I had written a sequel for it. I have been writing ever since, though for the most part, writing as a profession had remained nothing but a dream. When I turned 40, I came to the realization that all of my dreams were becoming obsolete; the Texas Rangers weren't going to call and offer me a contract and neither were the Dallas Cowboys. Between you and me though, I could probably still scramble better than Romo, and I'd bet dollars to pesos I would still be good for three decent innings in relief. I spent the next six years working as a writer and then editor in the newspaper industry, but it still wasn't what I dreamed of doing. I wanted to write fiction, more specifically, horror. Stephen King, Dean Koontz, Clive Barker, Poe - these were the men I admired. I have actually written four full novel length manuscripts, but I consider them my "training period" and they remain locked away somewhere dark. I currently work as a ghost writer, penning everything from werewolf romance novels to full blown erotica, no pun intended. To date, I have 10 novels on Amazon, though my name doesn't appear on any of them. inspired by the success these books have enjoyed, I recently released the first two works under my own name on, a novella titled Meet Charlie Jackson, and The Murder of Leslie Lyles: When the Killer Wears a Badge. Also, I am currently working on a full length novel, one I intend to release sometime in October, 2014 on Kindle and in harcover, titled The Demon Speaks. Anyway, that's me for the most part. I have been gratefully married to a wonderful woman for more than two decades, and she has given me three unbelievably talented children. We live in Texas, and we all believe Halloween should come more than once a year. I like to think of my writing as being similar to handicap porn; it is both creative and offensive. Sometimes, I scare myself.

