Hi, Bob here. First, my co-author "Jan Gilbert" is my nom de plum created a couple years ago for my 1st ebook, the 1st edition of the "Ultimate Juicing Recipes & Tips." I was worried about putting my real name on the web. So far no problems, and since readers like my books, I want everyone to know it's me! BTW, Gilbert is an homage to my first friend, my grandfather. This book has an interesting history. When I first started juicing I wanted recipes to fight certain illnesses. I found tons of free recipes on the web claiming to help all kinds of illnesses, but few cited sources for their healing claims. I wanted evidence-based recipes so I began a many-month search. A friend suggested that I share this info and save others all that time and effort, and so began my adventure in online publishing. To my delight the book became quite popular. Readers asked for research updates so several editions followed and will continue to follow. I'm a juicing fanatic. I juice every day, sometimes multiple times a day including a juice fast one day per month. I've recently started this once-a-month fast in response to the amazing research showing that intermittent fasting dramatically increases the lifespan of rats and monkeys. I also enjoy making fresh juice daily for my partner Bonnie to help keep her breast cancer in remission. For free daily tips and recipes go to my facebook page at Facebook.com/JuicingSecrets. Another passion for nearly 40 years is Pilates. It's a fabulous exercise method and if u don't know about it or have never tried it u can start learning for free at my website PilatesLessons.org. Other adventures include co-owning fitness facilities, retreating to monasteries, a brief time as a professional modern dancer, repairing sculpture for artists and museums, principle actor in the science fiction opera "Valis", interviewing a living saint Jean Vanier, publishing research on social integration, helping to spearhead "Shared Living," and creating "social enterprises" for people with disabilities. I welcome feedback - I'd love to hear from u so drop a line anytime at rwhannum@gmail.com.