Robert Pizzo


One of Robert’s very first memories is being given a pencil and paper at a Museum of Modern Art event his mother brought him to in New York City. Upon graduating NYC's School of Visual Arts, Robert took his BFA and did the only natural, logical thing... he formed a rock 'n' roll band and played at CBGB's. Soon after, he had the honor of serving as trusted assistant to the legendary Will Eisner, inventor of the graphic novel and creator of The Spirit. Robert has won awards from PRINT, SND, GRAPHIS, HOW, DESI, AR100, SPD, well as a prestigious Washington Middle School Class Artist of 1972 Award. When asked by a teacher what her dad did for a living, one of Robert's three daughters replied, "I don't know...he just stays home and colors!" Someone at Adweek called him "The Most Un-Neurotic Artist I've Ever Met." His clients have included The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Verizon, Coke, Pepsi, Macy’s, etc. etc. Robert Pizzo lives in south western Connecticut with his wife and daughter. The Amazing Animal Alphabet of Twenty-Six Tongue Twisters is available at the Museum of Modern Art Bookstore in New York City. See his website for more:



