Dr. Robert B. Thompson was born in Portland, Maine in July of 1925. He grew up in West Haven, Connecticut. He was converted to Christ in 1944 while serving with the U.S. Marines in Hawaii on the island of Oahu. A year later, after the conclusion of W.W.II, he was called to preach the gospel while stationed in Sasebo, Japan. A former educator, lecturer, and public school administrator, he holds the degree of Doctor of Education from the University of Rochester, New York, and possesses three Life Credentials in the State of California. After many years of work in secular education the Lord burdened his heart to write concerning the works of redemption which come after Pentecostal experience. He and his wife, Audrey, have served since February 1976 as pastors of Mount Zion Fellowship in Poway, California. Dr Thompson had authored over six hundred books, booklets, and pamphlets concerning the Christian salvation, all of which can be found on his website, www.wor.org.