Robert van Tongeren


Hi, I'm Robert, and several years ago, I decided I wanted to shape up how I present myself to the world. I was still wearing the same kinds of clothes I wore way back in high school. I had matured, but my style hadn't matured with me. That needed to change. But it wasn't easy. I struggled for a long time. I read fashion sites and tried to copy looks from magazines, but nothing I tried seemed to work. Something always seemed off. Only after years of research and experimentation did I start connecting the dots. I realized most fashion sites weren't meant for guys like me, who want to know how to dress better. They're for fashionable guys who already know how to dress well and are just looking to keep their looks fresh. So I started my blog, Restart Your Style, intending to create a place that newbies could come to get style advice that actually would actually make a difference. And it did. I soon started getting reaction from guys who applied the advice. How they felt more confident. How their bosses would take them more seriously, and how they got invited to meeting they were never invited to before. I even got emails from guys whose dating life had significantly improved. I was making a difference in their lives, and that felt great. And that's why I want to help you dress better too. because I want to make a difference in your life. It's why I do what I do.


