Robin Van Auken is an author, researcher and educator specializing in cultural heritage projects. She writes non-fiction, focusing on regional histories, as well as contemporary fiction, suspense thriller and romance. Get a FREE BOOK, on her author’s website, She lives in the highlands of Pennsylvania. She and her husband, Lance, enjoy traveling to the United Kingdom and Europe, and spend much of their time abroad in ruins, castles, cathedrals and museums. She particularly enjoys crypts with mummies, musty libraries and authentic pubs. In the United States, they bounce along the East Coast, traveling from New England to Florida to visit family and friends. Robin’s books include elements of her passions: traveling, boating, scuba diving, hiking, history and archaeology. The characters in her novels have a connection with idyllic Eaton, a fictitious town in Pennsylvania, although many of her books also feature exciting and exotic cities the heroines (and their lovers) visit during the course of their romantic journey.