It’s all about the story, as far as Rod Kackley is concerned. Whether it’s Shocking True Crime Stories or one of his many works of fiction. Rod wants to keep you turning pages and reading incredible tales of criminals, their victims, and their capture. Spoiler alert: No matter how long it takes, the bad guys rarely win. But it’s the criminal who is often the most compelling character That’s true whether it’s “Mommy Deadliest,” the story of a woman who kills her children, or “The Murder of Thora Chamberlain,” the story of a teenage girl and her kidnapper. In Rod’s world of fiction, he spins yarns about “The Coffee Shoppe Killer, a woman who kills her lovers when they disappoint her. And then there's the tale of a teenage girl who wraps a serial killer around her finger in “Go Big or Go Dead.” You won't be able to put down “The Murder of Emma Brown,” where two young women go out to party one night, and one only returns home. Written in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Rod’s books and stories allow his readers to brush up against the world of crime without getting hurt. And it’s a heck of a ride! Rod also publishes new Shocking True Crime Stories and more every week at www.rodkackley.com