Rod Santomassimo is the founder and president of the Massimo Group, North America’s leading business and sales professionals coaching and consulting organization. The Massimo Group is proud to work with clients from the nation’s premier businesses and as well as thousands of independent contractors, solopreneurs and small business owners. Rod has always been inclined toward entrepreneurship, since his early days as a newspaper delivery boy and golf caddy. He found himself lured away by the likes of corporate giants Arthur Andersen Consulting, where he was able to spend time learning about different industries and how to run a business. During Rod’s career, he has been a COO of a start-up telecom firm, assisting in its public offering; CFO of a regional law firm; and EVP of an international CRE brokerage firm. He felt the pull of independence several times during this period, which led him to found a college lacrosse recruiting service, and invent and patent a watch to track workouts before the world knew they wanted it! Finally, he decided that his strength was in coaching business professionals to achieve their own success and run their own businesses. MASSIMO GROUP Upon founding the Massimo Group, Rod’s father told him that he had finally found what he was meant to do. After 12+ years, the Massimo Group has helped over 3,000 independent contractors, solopreneurs, and small business owners significantly grow their businesses and reclaim their lives. Rod and his team of 30 certified Massimo coaches work with some of the most successful professionals in North America. SUCCESS “Success” to Rod means loving what you do and having more time to do what you love. After being with his family, Rod’s second big love is lacrosse. He started playing Division 1 ball in college and continues to play today in several tournaments each year. Rod holds a Bachelor of Arts in Commerce from Washington and Lee University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the prestigious Fuqua School of Business at Duke University, where he has also been invited as a guest lecturer and facilitator on a variety of personal marketing topics. He is a two-time recipient of the Duke University, Fuqua School of Business Impact Alumni of the Year. Rod lives in Cary, NC with his wife, Launa, and their two children.