Roger Bergman, PhD, directed the Justice & Peace Studies Program at Creighton University from its founding in 1995 until his retirement in 2017 as Professor Emeritus of Cultural & Social Studies. His research is in moral development, moral education, justice pedagogy in Catholic higher education, and the just war tradition. Dr. Bergman's new book, “Preventing Unjust War: A Catholic Argument for Selective Conscientious Objection,” is published by Cascade Books. it is the first book to argue from a just war perspective for the elimination of war through the substantial implementation of selective conscientious objection, the refusal to fight in unjust wars. His previous book, "Catholic Social Learning: Educating the Faith That Does Justice" (Fordham, 2011), received an award from the Catholic Press Association (2012) and is considered a classic in the field. An Expanded Edition from Wipf & Stock is forthcoming! He has published in Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry & Praxis, Human Development, Journal for Peace & Justice Studies, Journal for Research in Character Education, Journal of Catholic Higher Education, Journal of Moral Education, Journal of Catholic Social Thought, Studies in Philosophy & Education, Expositions, and in America, the national Jesuit magazine. He served as a board member of the Association for Moral Education and as a member of the National Steering Committee for the Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education. He is married to Dr. Wendy M. Wright, Professor Emeritus of Theology at Creighton. They have three children and six grandchildren (more than half of whom are twins) and reside in Santa Barbara, California. "I am a fan of the Indian Country novels of Tony and Anne Hillerman, and the novels of Alexander McCall Smith, set in Botswana and Scotland. I enjoy music from jazz to opera, hiking, especially in Rocky Mountain National Park, and watching Creighton basketball."